Thursday, May 13, 2010

Recap Day 3

On the third day we were headed to the University of Athens. We went to the Philosophy building which held 20,000 students. I thought to myself on the way there " O, great I get to walk up to complete strangers and talk to them". I was not very thrilled with this thought I am not the person that can go up to anyone and start a conversation. We got there and as I looked around it got worse. There were so many people there, most of them don't speak the same language and can barely understand me. Also the were hundreds of posters on the walls and writing also of socialist and communist symbols. Me and to other guys decided to sit and eat our lunch so we would not have to carry them all day. Two girls can up to us and started to talk, the asked if we knew French only one of us knew a little. They knew we were not Greek before we started talking. We all had blue eyes and that gave us away. We asked them what they were studying. We also saw that they were at this table with a lot of those posters on it, we asked what it meant, one of them told us it was a socialist party and that them and the communist students were having a debate today. They left after a few more minutes, we then went to look at the rest of the building. We had trouble getting people to talk to us. I guess asking " do you speak English" was not a good way to start a conversation. We eventually on our way back to the bus met up with two girls that were with us, they had met a girl that was very nice. She talk to us until the bus and the rest of the group got there. She gave the girls her e-mail so she could talk to them after we had left Greece. This day was not my cup of tea and later that night I found out we were going there again tomorrow. I was not happy, I had already had what I thought was a unfruitful day.But I guess God had a reason for me to go back there.

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